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    Sayings for Today
Renunciation of home and duties for the pursuit of the God in isolation, is the way of the sannyasi. Indulgence in activity and enjoyment, forgetting God and the goal of life, is the way of the samsari. Distinct from these two, there is a higher life, the life of dynamic yoga, the yoga of the householder. It is this yoga which Mother has taught you.
Be always on the guard. Never feel proud of your progress. Never look down on others. The more you advance in inward purification, the greater will be your vision of purity in others.
Seek God’s aid always and you are safe; invoke His grace and the light will come to you; surrender your intellect to Him and you will be free from worries and anxieties. His light alone can show you the right path.
Meditation is the inner highway to God. The meditative state comes only through long practice and healthy moral life. As you progress in meditation, the visions may appear, first on the mental plane, and then eventually on the supramental plane. Visions on the mental plane cannot be trusted. In most cases, they are projections of one’s own mind. But the supramental visions are not so. They are indications and intimations from the Beyond. But one should not stop with the visions. The goal is God.
It is sure that one does not attain to self-perfection by a mere wish or by intervention of an extraneous power. You have to aspire; you have to struggle and if need be, sacrifice the life for the eternity of supreme peace. If that is the case, why not accept the present life itself as the divinely allotted period for sadhana? Therefore think that this is the only birth that has come to you to achieve the ultimate destiny, namely God-Realization.
In all forms of sadhana you have to accomplish the supreme feat, the stilling of the mental waves and merging the mind in the silence of the Self. When the mind is active, there spring up the ego and the world of plurality. When mind becomes silent by the vision of the Self the world too disappears.
To realize Truth, loyalty to Truth is essential. You must show this loyalty in all your thoughts, words and actions. It is in the practical field of everyday life that you can test your loyalty to Truth, faith in your higher Self, love for your Master and sincerity in your spiritual practices.
You must have a longing to lead a life of purity. You must know that Brahman is Supreme perfection and that, to experience unity with Brahman, purification of mind is essential. Concentrate your attention upon the means, all the while keeping a mental picture of goal in view.
There is no use of weeping over the so called bondage of ignorance. The darkness will not disappear by prayers and petitions. Bring in the light and you will know without anybody’s aid, that darkness was a non-entity. The nature of true Self is light, the light of taintless, contentless consciousness.
In the density of darkness, there is the hidden splendour. Pierce through the layer of darkness and you will see light. Light of lights you are. If you seek light, then seek it within yourself.
Depending upon the objects for happiness is like courting disease for the sake of health. Disease brings only misery and not health. So also the enjoyment of sense-objects rewards you with sorrow and bondage only and not happiness or freedom.
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