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    Sayings for Today
Patience is the best antidote for anger. Patience is not a negative attitude. Its basis is awareness of Self. You cannot conquer anger unless you constantly remember your divine nature.
By practice of worship, japa, meditation and discharge of duties in a spirit of dedication to God, the mind becomes pure and subtle. Then alone will you be able to discern the nature of ego which poses now as the true individual.
If you solely rely upon Her compassionate grace and seek Her protection from all temptations of the world, She will come, the imperious Mother of might and mercy, to hold your hands and safely lead you across this fierce forest of sense-allurement. He who wants to conquer the sex-illusion, must seek Mother’s power of protection.
It is the weak ones who fall a prey to woman’s snare. It is again the weak ones who run away from woman in fear of danger. The heroic child of the Divine Mother sees no woman anywhere, even in his dream. He sees only the blissful image of his Deity, the Mother Supreme, in all women. How can he be afraid of his own Mother?
When you are in the Mother’s infinite lap, where is the room for despondency? If you want to cry, then cry for the vision of the Mother’s real nature. Cry, out of pure love to God. It is the weaklings who weep and worry for worldly things and affairs.
You should have the will power and spirit of renunciation and also the power of penance. But as man, who is the crown of creation, you should have also discrimination. To direct the will, the spirit of renunciation and penance towards the feet of God, is the sign of discrimination. Man should become a tool in the hand of God and that is the real fulfillment. That is also the glory of the humanity.
Philosophic truths are revealed in moments of inspiration. They do not come from intellectual exercise. Silence should reign in the mind and then alone you get intimation from the beyond.
When you feel joyous over your accomplishment, you have separated yourself from the Bliss. That means, you have embraced the ego and not the Divine. If a particular action is to create a reaction in your mind, either in the form of joy or in the form of grief, it goes without saying that you have been attached to your action. If your mind is filled with sattwic virtues, you will have the power to give up the fruit of action to the Divine. But to take yourself to the height of yoga, you should have that strong sense of detachment, not the detachment from desire only, but detachment from the agency of action.
Faith is the most blessed attainment in life, in the wake of which, man finds himself in a region beyond the touch of misery. It is the luminary of hope and heavenly glory. Men of faith meet with success everywhere, in this world of work as well as in the realm of divine contemplation.
All miseries come from want of faith in Truth. A man of faith is the strongest one. So throw away this sense of identification with a body and a finite personality, through reflection, through force of faith, through love of the Cosmic Power, through strength of identity with the Self.
Mind remains dull in Tamas, becomes active and passionate in Rajas and pure and serene in sattwa. So develop sattwa elements by right reflections, systematic meditations, study of scriptures, association with the holy, observance of silence and through purity of food.
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