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    Sayings for Today
For strength, inspiration and comfort there is no substitute for silence.
BULLETIN NO. 337-339 F
BULLETIN NO. 337-339 G
BULLETIN NO. 337-339 F
Doubt not the Divine and the unfailing Cause of the Divine. Let the sword of Discrimination remain sharp and ready for use any time. A golden opportunity has presented itself to you. You will not get it again. Also, where is the assurance that one will get again a human birth? The time that is wasted, is a loss that can never be made good.
BULLETIN NO. 337-339 E
My children should be heroes who hold on to God and dharma under all conditions, who value their relationship with the Guru above everything else. They should not dabble in talk only, but should silently grow from within. They should be inspired by the guru’s Teaching and by the inner light of their discrimination. They should not be carried away by what their own family or society say, but should have the courage of conviction born of their devotion to Truth and Righteousness. The idealism of Bhakti, and not the worldly attachment, should be the incentive behind their activities.
BULLETIN NO. 337-339 D
While this is the truth as well as the guiding moral principle, you, children, should also bear in mind that Divine Mother is not merely the Guru of a few thousands of Her disciples and devotees and admirers, but the Guru and Mother of the whole universe. She has come for the sake of the whole world. Shaktinagar Her chosen abode on earth, is therefore is not a mere Gurukula, it is the sacred kshetra, where worshippers of various deities are bound to gather, drawn by the mystic pull and attraction of the presiding deity here. When that Omnipotent Mother of the Universe has taken Her abode here, where is the wonder that various devatas have chosen to serve Her from their own realms invisible and inaccessible to human beings?
BULLETIN NO. 337-339 C
You may be busily occupied with your manifold duties, but you should rise above your actions. Actions do not bind. While at work, there should not be the pulsation of the ego. Ego-feeling is the root disease. It is this disease that has developed into the most dreaded disease of samsara. Samsara is the cycle of births and deaths. Do not give any room for ego to flourish, to dominate and to pollute your mental realm and the field of action. Sorrow, misery, anxiety, fear, all comes in the wake of ego only.
BULLETIN NO. 337-339 B
It is this exalted spiritual ideal, the ideal of Self-knowledge reinforced by devotion to Personal God finding expression in a life of spotless dharma, that Divine Mother exemplified in Her own life and has placed before you, householders to work for and attain. How can one transform oneself into a perfect image of God, how Himalayan peace can be brought into one’s home, how eventually home itself will shine as a heaven of freedom and divine felicity: these have been illustrated in Her great life. Yet, in addition to this, Divine Mother has created this divine abode of Shaktinagar, which is a boon to you, householders.
BULLETIN NO. 337-339 A
It is a deep inner urge to enlighten you on some important matters, that has brought Mother out of Her solitude today. The words which Mother is going to speak should remain engraved in golden letters on the walls of your heart so that they become a source of perennial inspiration for you, a source which you can turn to at all times.
BULLETIN NO. 335-336 C
When Chatrapathy Sivaji approached Guru Samarth Ramdas and begged for spiritual initiation, upadesha deeksha, the latter asked him to remove the crown, the costumes and other royal insignias, to put on only a codpiece and wander forth as a homeless mendicant begging alms from the homes of the householders for three days. A King in beggar’s role, seeking alms from his own subjects! At once that Maratha hero obeyed and went forth as a beggar of alms. The Guru knew that the king had in his heart the subtle egoism of royalty.
BULLETIN NO. 335-336 B
Spiritual illumination, Jnana, is the Light that dispels the inner darkness of ignorance. Once this primordial avidya is destroyed, man finds himself in the ever-wakeful state of Soul-Consciousness. In this state of Awakening, the currents of the lower prakrithi like love and hate (raga and dwesha), no longer operate.
BULLETIN NO. 335-336 A
A disciple, the shishya, is an initiate of higher life. He must obey the commandments of the Sadguru. Such obedience is not servitude. All are slaves of vishayas, slaves of senses and mind. This slavery is horrible, for it binds the jiva to mortal plane and drags him from birth to birth. But the disciple who follows the behests of the Sadguru, who walks on the path of discipline, must learn to control his senses and mind and actions. He must tenaciously adhere to the moral norms prescribed by the Sadguru and resolve never to slip into unethical conduct.
Your own mind is your enemy. Mind itself is the cause of both bondage and freedom. Divine Mother has enjoined upon all sadhakas here, a life of healthy discipline, a spiritualizing mode of life. If you all observe discipline, follow the sadhana path and attune yourselves to the eternal, you will rise to the plane of pure Awareness, you will get the enchanting vision of the sportive leelas of Devi, you will get glimpses of the glory of Devi’s Advent on earth.
God, the Absolute, is all perfection, ‘poornam’. Since God abides as the Self, man too is perfect in his essential nature. But man, forgetting his essential nature, lives identified with the gunas of prakrithi. Hence he experiences only bondage.
Chaitnyadeva fell into the sea in a state of divine ecstasy, but was not drowned. The body floated in the water as if it had attained to weightlessness. When the whole body, mind and heart have become a mass of pure chaitanya or love, how can death come! The great elements themselves become the protecting agencies of God Almighty.
Mere external aspects of Gauna Bhakti like congregational bhajan, muttering of divine names, ritualistic worship of the deity, pilgrimages to sacred shrines etc. do not constitute the essential feature of spiritual life. All these are no doubt steps on the path of devotion, but the soul of spirituality is Prem, love divine. Prem is not physical state or mental emotion. It is the fountain springing up from the deepest being of man, the Heart. Chittha that has been transmuted into the nature of chaitanya, the chittha that has assumed the very form of God, is verily Heart itself.
BULLETIN NO. 331-332 C
The joy, peace and relaxation come to him then. God is everyone’s real abode, the eternal home of rest. Yet, the jiva does not think of his eternal blissful home. He has no mind to withdraw into the sanctuary of his own Self. How mysterious! Where is the sanctuary of his own Self? How mysterious! Where is the value for his intelligence, education, social position, earthly attainments, if he has not cared for his everlasting Home within?
BULLETIN NO. 331-332 B
In earnest sadhakas, discipline is almost the very nature of life. Discipline governs their approach, attitude and activity. Wherever they are, they are disciplined in thought and speech and behavior pattern. Voluntary disciplines they impose upon themselves become a source of joy, mental strength and rapid spiritual advancement.
BULLETIN NO. 331-332 A
Dirty water, a mixture of dirt and water, is unfit for consumption. All like to drink only pure water. The Ganga of love is flowing in the heart of all; and everyone longs to quench his thirst by drinking to his heart’s content this pure and sacred theertha of love. But alas! Man’s own mind of gunas, the mind which is sensually polluted, does not allow him to experience this pure love, which is his own nature.
BULLETIN NO. 328-330 D
One-pointed fixity of mind in God, shraddha in the Guru’s words, pure and sublime bhava, these lead one quickly to God. Forgetfulness, misunderstandings, violation of disciplines, unethical conduct, these estrange the Sadhaka from divine grace. Discipline carried on with ardent devotion, is the secret of a successful career. Discipline yields fruit. A society well disciplined, is bound to prosper.
BULLETIN NO. 328-330 C
Let not your self-surrender to God depend upon the changing mental states and behaviours of others. There is fear when you pin your faith on human mortals. But you are above fear when you take refuge in God. Rest assured that God protects His devotees, if they remember Him and invoke His aid. Those who have left their Guru and the spiritual path have taken themselves into the abysmal depth of ignorance.
BULLETIN NO. 328-330 B
Devotion to the Guru and God: this alone leads to bliss, peace and immortality. You cannot get these in the world. The ecstatic God-lover lives always in God. He has no love for his body, nor a sense of I and mine. His body wears out in the service of God and his love that emanates from the depth of his heart envelopes the whole World. Rub a piece of sandalwood, and good fragrance will come out of it; but if you rub any other piece of wood, no fragrance will come out at all.
BULLETIN NO. 328-330 A
Since ageless past, this world has been a mixture of good and evil, a dwelling place for Rakshasas as well as for good men, for scoffers as well as for worshippers, for the evil-minded as well as for the noble souled ones, for devotees as well as for non-believers.
BULLETIN NO. 324-327 F
Merely living a family life is not the essence of Garhasthya dharma. You should attain Self-knowledge. Therein is the fulfillment. He who has love, faith, moral ardour, self abnegating spirit and Gurubhakti, alone can rise to Enlightenment. Be selfless. Let Tyaga be your nature. Tyaga is the real adornment. Tyga is the radiant beauty of human life. By Tyaga, you rise to divinity. Tyaga is the ideal, which Mother places before you. Without tyaga, you cannot observe dharma; you cannot fulfill the law of your being.
BULLETIN NO. 324-327 E
Buddha renounced the royal pleasures and wandered forth as a homeless ascetic in order to find out the cause of life’s miseries. He had no self-centred motivation. His quest was motivated by compassion. If you, devotees, are possessed of devotion to the Guru, you can never remain quiet. You will dedicate yourselves to the service of the Guru’s Cause. Total dedication opens the door to Deliverance. Dedication gives peace.
BULLETIN NO. 324-327 D
After experiencing God, the Absolute, the Sage becomes one with Brahman. Inwardly he is all silence. When he speaks, his words emanate from that ocean of silence, the Heart, and those words are the words of Truth. From the silent Brahman arose the primeval sound OM and this Nada Brahman gave rise to the world of names and forms. Similarly, the Word of the silent Sage represents Nada Brahman, the power of Truth in the vibratory form.
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