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    Sayings for Today
Depending upon the objects for happiness is like courting disease for the sake of health. Disease brings only misery and not health. So also the enjoyment of sense-objects rewards you with sorrow and bondage only and not happiness or freedom.
BULLETIN NO. 290-292 D
The effect of nescience on buddhi gives rise to moral darkness. In this state, devoid of discrimination, man mistakes the false for the true, the appearance for the reality, vice for virtue and unethical conduct for righteous action.
BULLETIN NO. 290-292 C
Contact with the Guru is of supreme importance. You have all come to Shaktinagar from distant centers like Bombay. People inimical to spiritual life, would ask you: Why do you take the trouble of going to such a far off place? Is it not a mere waste of time and money? Here, you have all enjoyments. What do you get, after all, in Shaktinagar? Well, what is the use of reading out a sacred Purana to a deaf man?
BULLETIN NO. 290-292 B
What you enjoy now, the privilege to live and do sadhana in the comfort and shelter of a great spiritual retreat like Shaktinagar, with timely food and facilities for spiritual development is a fruit of Divine Mother’s tapas and sacrifice. Mother knew that modern seekers would be lacking in that intensity of God-hunger, and that capacity for arduous tapas. Hence She made it easy for such people to do sadhana in a congenial atmosphere.
Superior to all empirical knowledge, is paravidya, the knowledge of Brahman. There is no end to the acquisition of empirical knowledge, for much would yet remain to be known. But paravidya is that knowledge by attaining which nothing remains to be known, and which spontaneously becomes manifest to the knower.
BULLETIN NO. 287-289 B
The path of liberation has been shown to you in the dharma of Garhasthya (Order of Home) itself. Chant Her Name and observe dharma scrupulously. Dharma is all-important. Man and woman, both have their respective dharmas. Dharma is the protecting power. Dharma is omnipotent. If the spouses become ardent votaries of the omnipotent Dharma, aye, stupendous power will awake in them, the Power that has stopped even the course of the sun.
BULLETIN NO. 287-289 A
Devi’s Blessing is on all. Devi is eternal. There is no such a thing as Maha Samadhi for Her. She is renowned in the world as the ever-existent Supreme Power. Having assumed a divine upadhi, She revealed to the world the glory of a divine life and divine leelas. Maha Samadhi is irrelevant in Her case.
BULLETIN NO. 283-286 E
The One, non-dual Supreme Power has manifested Herself as two, for Her purpose. The two are one. Bear this in mind and worship Her, adore Her, do anusandhana of Her. Mother Shakti is the giver of Shakti. He who worships Her, will have his powers awakened. He will be roused from slumber.
In the individual souls groping in ignorance, there is the activity of the three gunas, of the six passions, of the two currents of attachment and antipathy. Hence their actions too are self-centred and desire motivated. The individual souls are under the control of five sense objects: shabda, sparsha, roopa, rasa and gandha. They are unable to resist the lure of these vishayas. Hence they do not know pure love; they do not know the desireless equipoise.
BULLETIN NO. 283-286 C
During this Navaratri Festival Devi is worshipped throughout the three worlds. While it is a few only in this mortal world who worship Devi, innumerable gods and goddesses worship Her in the heavenly spheres.
BULLETIN NO. 283-286 B
The date of inauguration happened to be a 14th. This too, is not without significance. In the numeral sense, 14 signify ten sense organs and the four functional aspects of the anthakarana, namely mind, intellect, ego and chittha. The day one negates these 14 aspects of the limiting adjunct, is 14th October, the day of inauguration. By transcending the senses and the anthakarana, one enters the Heart, the city of the Primal Power, Shaktinagar. In this sense, opening of Shaktinagar signifies Realization, Sakshatkara.
The people in the world are engrossed in worldly activity. While functioning in the field of svadharma, while engaged in the performance of their manifold duties, they have no insight into dharma to guide them. That is to say, they cannot discriminate which is dharma and which is adharma, what is to be done and what is not to be done. Consequently, they conduct themselves according to their own mental urge. Shaktinagar has therefore come as an institution of spiritual education, Brahmavidya, where people can cultivate knowledge and be initiated into the disciplines of spiritual life.
BULLETIN NO. 280-282
Human life, if it has to be moulded to perfection, should have a source of moral inspiration and spiritual guidance to turn to. The puranas are replete with noble characters, inspiring anecdotes and events upholding values of truth and righteousness. The sacred Upanishads are, by themselves, a vast treasure house of knowledge. They show the path of investigation and the methodology of meditation.
BULLETIN NO. 274-279 D
Let your faith be unshakable like Meru Mountain. Faith is an internal illumination, a strong spiritual certitude. It requires no external supports for its survival. It is self-luminous. People claim and proclaim that they have faith, but they fail to show it in life when occasions arise. During a crisis, they fail. One day, the sun may lose its effulgence and deluge may come over the world. But faith of a Devotee is everlasting. It remains unshaken.
Vedanta proclaims the truth of the nonduality of Brahman, and upholds knowledge as the means to liberation. Truth, Wisdom, and Love constitute God’s essence or essential nature. But mere study or reflection cannot lead to Realization. Truth should be brought home to the consciousness of the seeker by the Upadesha of the Guru. Wisdom is realized only through direct experience of Reality. Love in its purest form is experienced only when one realizes the identity of Self and the Supreme.
The Advent of Divine Mother on earth in the Garhasthya Order, Her illustrious life and Her teachings have made the highest spirituality accessible even to the busiest of householders. The tremendous force of Tapas and Dharma, awakened by Divine Mother, is still there, available for all sincere seekers. But your hearts should be linked to Her through devotion and faith. Mother’s divinity should be constantly kept in view with all fervour. It is this inner connection that will give you all, courage to face and solve the problems of life. Mother is the protecting power and the guiding force. Those who follow Her principles and ideals, will surely be able to feel Her presence and receive Her guidance wherever they are.
The secular and the sacred, the empirical life and the spiritual life: these are not different. The world is the manifestation of Divine power. The life of man should reflect spiritual urge, spiritual outlook and the loving anusandhana of the Divine.
Spiritual pursuit is not a joke, not a play for entertainment. It is a serious whole minded commitment to higher life, to righteousness, to the quest and service of God. Its aim is to reach the summit of divine consciousness, to enter into Samadhi and to experience the Supreme. Samadhi endows one with a spiritual vision with which one beholds the world as a playground of God and life itself as a leela of the Beloved. He knows the untruth as untruth and Truth as Truth.
As one’s outlook or perspective (drishti), so is the creation (srishti). A radical change in the outlook brings about corresponding change in creation perceived. Man’s guna-tainted materialistic outlook should be transformed into pure spiritual vision. Then, the world will appear as Brahma chaitanya itself. The person, endowed with such a vision, beholds through that pure eye of love and enlightenment, the Saguna form of the personal God and His mystical, immortal and enchanting sportive leelas. The truths of prakrithi and the truth of Brahman, both are revealed to him.
Our Divine Mother accepted Grahasthya Order and built the mansion of spirituality in Home. Such an act on the part of Divinity was for the sake of Her children, for providing assurance to them that yogic state can be reached in the Garhasthya order itself. Mother’s experience should come to the children also. Yes, it must come, because, are not the children a reflection of the Mother? Is not Her blood flowing through the veins of the children too?
Man, by his own personal experiences, knows how God has come to his rescue on several occasions. Yet, such is the spell of Maya that he soon forgets it and again becomes egoistic. The devotee alone constantly remembers God and His mercy. Truth is God. It has the splendor of a million suns. Such an effulgent Being is residing in the heart of all. Still, man, estranged from God, gropes in darkness because of ignorance.
The base, the supporting foundation of humanity is Dharma. Life, to be successful, should have a moral and spiritual foundation. Moral foundation is Dharma. Spiritual base is faith in God.
Wedded to the vow of Dharma, carrying out the commandments of the Guru, with heart dedicated to the Guru, with devotion and pure bhava as the ornaments of beauty to adorn his personality, the ideal Gurubhakta is indeed a personification of wisdom and love. In him blazes the fire of Knowledge; in him also are the fires of viraha and prema. But none of these fires affects his supreme peace within. As the heat of the sun does not affect the sun, as the heat of the fire does not harm the fire, so too, the inner fires of prem and viraha, do not affect the peace and poise of the Gurubhaktha. Dwelling on the plane of dharma, he possesses the power to shake the whole world.
BULLETIN NO. 268-269
Each person in this world, engaged in activity, imagines that he is performing his duties of life. He also feels that he has manifold duties to discharge and that without discharging his duties he will have no peace of mind. Duty eats into the vitals of his being and fills his mind with cares, anxieties and worries of samsara.
Meditation, dhyana, is the direct means to God-attainment, the sole avenue to Realization. All other disciplines finally lead the mind to meditation. To reflect on Brahma-Tattwa is an intellectual activity. It is like looking at an object from a great distance. By seeing that object, you do not enter into any relation with that object. But meditation implies a relation of intimacy with the object meditated upon. The mind assumes the very form of that object. As a river flows towards the sea in unbroken continuity, so too, the entire chittha flows as it were, to the object of meditation (God). That is meditation.
Beloved children, My beloved ones, are not these words of infinite tenderness still echoing in our ears and hearts producing a holy thrill and a poignant sentiment of devotion, and reminding us of our duty and our destiny, our hope and our heritage? Having seen the gracious picture of love and sacrifice, having received the touch and the truth of the Divine, having imbibed the purest teaching direct from the Supreme Teacher of the world, should not our hearts expand and our eyes sparkle with the lustre of love and fellow feeling?
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